How to Get Your First 10K followers on Facebook and Instagram

Okay, so you have a new business, service, or organization and you want 20,000 followers to get the word out or to get you some the social proof. I know the feeling, I have been there, so I am going to break down for you how I have built 15 Instagram Pages from 0 to10K+ followers and how I have built Facebook pages from 0 to10K followers.
The strategies for Facebook and Instagram are very different and the results for them are also very different. The strategy you use really depends on what you want to get out of it. I’ll explain the options you have depending on what you want to get out of your efforts.
I Just Want 10K Followers For The Social Proof

Instagram Social Proof Strategy
So you want 20K fans/followers for the social proof to prove that your brand is popular or relevant? If you don’t want to put a lot of time, money or effort into the endeavor you might as well Google “Buy Cheap Instagram followers” and buy 10,000 (it seams the going rate these days is $80 for 10k).
After you buy those followers, post nine (niche relevant) high quality photos on your account (I recommend getting them for free from Then go buy 500 likes on each photo (Google some sites that sell those).
Of course, a lot of people are going to hate on this method. It is super not organic and fake, but at the end of the day, if you don’t want to spend time and you just need an account to use when you make Instagram ads, this strategy works. I mean just look at E-commerce Social media accounts like Sugar & Cotton.

They sell a lot (based on their website pop ups) and they obviously just bought a whole bunch of followers and likes (they only have 12 posts lol).
Facebook Social Proof Strategy

For Facebook you are going to have to suck it up and buy Facebook ads (you can get 10k followers for $230 guaranteed in ad spend). You might be able to find a seedy hacker forum that promises you more followers for less money, I have had a hard time finding those these days so I have resorted to FB Ads which, at the end of the day, are way better because they get you real people to follow you (unlike the Instagram side of this equation).
I Want Followers to Get the Word Out
If you want followers to get the word out, your strategy is going to be completely different than the ones mentioned above. Fake followers (ones you just buy) will get you nowhere, so you have to focus on organic growth.
Instagram “Organic” Growth Strategy

If you want to get real IG fans and followers, the fastest way to do this is to create an account and run automation software on it. So this is a software that automatically Likes, Follows, DM’s Etc. people who are interested in your type of product. (I recommend using a software like Jarvee or Ninja Gram). For this strategy to work, not only are you going to have to set up a beast of a software system, but you are also going to need to post relevant HD photos and videos of your brand story, products, etc.

If you want more info on this strategy and how to grow using automation, check out this article HERE. You can grow between 750–1,000 followers a month pretty comfortably using this strategy.
Facebook “Organic” Growth Strategy
It doesn’t exist.
You have to pay to play on Facebook thanks to Zuck and an ever decreasing amount of active Facebook users. You have to run Facebook ads.
So depending on what you hope to accomplish, those are your two sets of IG & FB growth strategies for hitting 10k followers. I hope that these strategies are helpful , and if you need more guidance, the links I provided are also good info on the knitty gritty “how to” of those strategies.
Good luck!

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